The whole existence of Expro Lab happens to be glorified because of the proactive and unprecedented Mobile App Development features and functions that we bring to the forefront.
Mobile App Development Process
There is a reason why Expro Lab is known as one of the best app development companies in Kolkata and differentiates us from others with its proven mobile app development process that is stated below.

1. Project Requirement & Information Gathering
This is the 1st step in our mobile app development process in which we have multiple meetings and conversations with the client and procure information regarding the project and understand the client’s requirements like design, features, integrations, goals, etc.
2. Project Planning & Execution
After the fulfillment of phase 1, we start the planning phase where we create a wireframe & sitemap of the project. Being one of the best android app development in Kolkata & ios app development companies in Kolkata, we also decide the coding platforms & database and also prepare a phase-wise timeline of the entire project for better project management and on-time delivery.

3. UI/UX Design
In this phase, our design team starts with the UI (User Interface) & UX (User Experience) design of the app. To make the app more user-centric we take feedback from our team and make changes to the existing design accordingly. Then the design is sent to the client for feedback. Once the design is approved we then move on to the next phase in the mobile app development process.
4. App Development
Once the design is confirmed, the development team then starts developing the application after which it is again checked for issues. The issues get fixed if found and then the APK is generated and sent to the client for review. Necessary changes are made based on the review.

5. Testing & Launch
After the completion of planning and development, our quality check and testing department starts testing the complete app for bugs, errors, and issues. The issues are fixed if found and then prepared for launch. Depending on the platform like android app development and ios app development, we register accounts on apps store connect for ios applications and Google Play Console for Android Applications
6. Updating & Maintenance
Now that the application is successfully uploaded on the App Store or Play Store, our development team keeps updating the application into newer versions with performance upgrades or new features upgrades, bug fixes, content and picture updates, etc. The extended version of this maintenance comes under our AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) program.